


Plenary Speakers

Yukihisa Hirano

Chairman, Central Japan International Airport Co., Ltd.


Title: Always aiming higher


Abstract: Central Japan International Airport, nicknamed Centrair, keeps the challenge to make the airport a truly competitive one.
The purpose of this lecture is to introduce the Company challenging from the establishment to the present.






Yukihisa Hirano is Chairman of Central Japan International Airport Co., Ltd, the airport operator of CHUBU Centrair International Airport that opened in February 2005 as the successor of Nagoya Airport. He was appointed as President & CEO on May 1st, 1998 to be in charge of the new airport project and headed the construction of CHUBU Centrair International Airport. Then, he has been responsible for the management of the airport. In June 2007, he assumed the new position of Chairman to support and work closely with Mr. Inaba, new President & CEO, for the further growth of our company.






Back in 1961, he joined Toyota Motor Corporation and engaged in production engineering. In 1989 he was named to head the newly created Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK) Limited, where he supervised activities at a plant in UK that began producing Toyota passenger cars in 1992. He became a member of Toyotaes Board of Directors in 1990.






Business career:


June 2007    became Chairman of Central Japan International Airport Company, Ltd.

May 1998    joined Central Japan International Airport Company, Ltd. as President and CEO

Jun 1997      promoted to President of Kanto Auto Works, Ltd.

Jun 1996      joined Kanto Auto Works, Ltd. as Vice President

Jun 1991      transferred to UK as President of Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK)  Limited

Sep 1990     promoted to Director, Member of the Board@/ General Manager of Europe Project Division

Dec 1989     promoted to President of Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK)@Limited

Feb 1988     promoted to General Manager, Machines and Tools Engineering Division

Apr 1961     joined Toyota Motor Company Limited (renamed to Toyota Motor Corporation in July, 1982)



Bachelor Degree of Precision Machinery Engineering at Faculty of Engineering, the University of Tokyo






Plenary Speakers


Professor Chris Voss

Professor of Operations and Technology Management at London Business School


Title: Research in Service Operations - Challenges and Directions


Abstract: Services are increasingly becoming a focus of attention for researchers and practitioners in Operations Management. On the one hand OM practices such as Toyota production System are increasingly being applied is services, on the other manufacturing companies are increasingly seeing themselves delivering value through products and service. The services science initiative has highlighted the breadth of the scope of service operations. Professor Voss will review these exciting trends, discuss how research is informing this area and suggest future directions and challenges.





Chris Voss is Professor of Operations and Technology Management at London Business School. He has a BSc in engineering from Imperial College London and an MSc and PhD from London Business School. At London Business School, Professor Voss has held many posts including Chair of the Operations and Technology Management Group and Deputy Dean.



Chris Voss has been one of the leading empirical researchers in Operations Management and has studied and written on a wide variety of topics including operations strategy, product and service innovation, lean production and service management. He has published in leading journals including Journal of Operations Management, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Service Research, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Research Policy and R&D Management. His current research focuses on service design and innovation.



Professor Voss is active on an international stage, he was co-founder and for many years chairman of the European Operations Management Association. He is a fellow and active member of the Production and Operations management Society, the Decision Science Institute and the British Academy of Management.







Plenary Speakers



Hau L. Lee

Thoma Professor of Operations, Information, and Technology

The Graduate School of Business at Stanford University


Title: Architecting the Supply Chain for Value Creation


Abstract: Innovative companies have made use of their super-agile supply chains to create values - develop new products, enter new markets, offer new solutions, and build new customer intimacy.  The result is higher market share, faster sales growth, greater profits, better customer service, and ultimately, superior shareholder value.  In this talk, we examine how companies, especially those in Asia, have been able to architect their supply chains, integrating suppliers and customers, to create and realize such values.  I will also discuss the potential research directions based on such innovations to help companies in emerging economies to win in the market place.




Hau L. Lee is the founding and current co-Director of the Stanford Global Supply Chain Management Forum, an industry-academic consortium to advance the theory and practice of global supply chain management. His areas of specialization include supply chain management, information technology, global logistics system design, inventory planning, and manufacturing strategy.



Professor Lee has published widely, and as served on the editorial boards of many international journals.  From 1997-2003, he was the Editor-in-Chief of Management Science.  He received the Harold Lardner Prize for International Distinction in Operations Research, Canadian Operations Research Society, 2003.  He was elected a Fellow of Manufacturing and Service Operations Management in 2001; a Fellow of Production and Operations Management Society in 2005; and a Fellow of INFORMS in 2005.  In 2006-7, he was the President of the Production and Operations Management Society.  His article, "The Triple-A Supply Chain," was the Second Place Winner of the McKinsey Award for the Best Paper in 2004 in the Harvard Business Review.  In 2004, his co-authored paper in 1997, "Information Distortion in a Supply Chain: The Bullwhip Effect," was voted as one of the ten most influential papers in the history of Management Science.



He has consulted extensively for industry.  He is a co-founder of several supply chain and price optimization software companies: Evant, DemandTec, SignalDemand and TrueDemand; and is on the board and advisory board of several logistics services and supply chain software companies.



Professor Lee obtained his B.Soc.Sc. degree in Economics and Statistics from the University of Hong Kong in 1974, his M.Sc. degree in Operational Research from the London School of Economics in 1975, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Operations Research from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1983.  He was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Engineering degree by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2006.