





The 3rd World Conference on Production and Operations Management


August 5-8, 2008, Tokyo, Japan


Japanese Operations Management and Strategy Association (JOMSA) as hosting organization is privileged to send the first notice on the 3rd World Conference on Production and Operations Management in Tokyo, Japan, in 2008.  The 1st World Conference on POM was held in Seville, Spain, in 2000 and the 2nd in Cancun, Mexico, 2004. Then the 3rd will be held in Tokyo, Japan, in 2008, as follows.



August 1-3, Kyoto tour in Kyoto - optional

August 4, Toyota Plant tour in Toyota - optional

August 5-7, Conference sessions in Tokyo

August 8, Factory tour in Tokyo - optional



Due on  January 25, 2008



Gakushuin University, Tokyo, Japan



Manufacturing Fundamentals: Necessity and Sufficiency



Keynote speeches and invited lectures of academic leaders and top executives of global companies; parallel sessions; social events for participants and accompanying people including a variety of social and plant tours.


Post-conference publication opportunity: Affiliations with international journals


Future notices will be released through the Web of JOMSA:


The executive committee is now designing the conference as an excellent opportunity for the foreign participants who wish to visit Japan and Asia. We would be happy if you would put this event in your future schedule.